It’s entertaining season, and unless you have a family full of bald relatives, your drains will be working overtime, and you may find yourself removing your family’s hair from your shower. Millions of people rely on chemical drain cleaners to unclog their drains, but these convenience products can cause significant damage in the home environment. Here’s how you may attempt to unclog your hair without resorting to harsh chemicals.
Three Ways To Unclog A Drain Without Using Chemicals
Here are three ways to unclog your drain without resorting to harsh chemicals:
1. Boiling water. This is a simple and effective way to unclog your drain. Just bring a pot of water to a boil and pour it down the drain. Repeat if necessary. However, make sure your plumbing can handle boiling water before trying this step.
2. Vinegar and baking soda. This is another simple and effective way to unclog a drain.
3. Use a Plunger. Sinks, drains, and toilets can all use plungers to unclog them. Make sure you select the right sized and shaped plunger for your needs.
Prevent Overflow And Clogging
It is important to always watch what you put down your drain or flush down your toilet. While drain cleaners are available to help with clogging, it is always best to avoid the problem in the first place. Here are a few tips to help prevent overflow and clogging in your home:
- Don’t pour grease down the drain. Grease will congeal and eventually block the drain.
- Don’t flush anything other than toilet paper down your toilet.
- Don’t drop any objects into your toilet or drain, such as toys, dirt, plant material, etc.
Avoid Using Harsh Chemicals
While a twisted mess in your drain is preferable to your family bickering over politics at the dinner table, using chemicals to solve the issue is bad for your pipes and the environment. Hair treatments, such as gels and mousses, that your relatives bought to repair their tresses stick to the imprisoned hair, clumping up an already hairy scenario.
Instead of reaching for a harsh chemical, check your cupboard for a remedy.
Clogged Drains: The Unknown Home Remedy
Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is a natural substance that has the ability to dissolve mineral deposits as well as organic compounds. It contains disinfectant characteristics and can battle odor-causing bacteria and fungus, so it’s up to the job of dealing with that tangled mess.
To unclog a drain using baking soda, follow these three simple steps:
Baking soda, white vinegar, and hot water are required to unclog a hair-clogged drain using baking soda.
- One cup of baking soda should be poured down the drain. One cup of vinegar should be poured down the drain after the baking soda.
- Watch for fizzing in the drain and flush it with two quarts of hot water five minutes after the fizzing stops.
- Repeat this procedure till the obstruction is gone.
Pour a cup of baking soda and half a cup of salt down the drain and let it overnight before flushing it with two cups of hot water to clear a tough blockage.
Hair-Free Drains: The Insider’s Guide
The easiest approach to avoid hair-clogged drains in the first place is to prevent them from being clogged in the first place! You can prevent a hair blockage by running the tap while shaving, combing your hair before bathing, and keeping the drain screen clear.
Some clogs may be impossible to clear using a home treatment. Clogged drains that have grown too big to be cleared using natural solvents might get trapped deeper in your drain than you can remove on your own. Even if the roots are your aunt’s dyed ones, a plumbing specialist will have professional procedures and equipment that can reach the base of the issue.
If you have a clog in your drain, then the first thing to do is to unclog it with a plunger. However, if this doesn’t work, then you can use a chemical that will dissolve hair in a drain as a last resort.
The “how to dissolve hair in shower drain” is a guide that will teach you how to unclog your drain without using chemicals. This article will provide steps on how to do so.
The good news is that neither your pipes nor the environment will be harmed by these natural approaches. In fact, you should use one of these on a regular basis to keep your drains in excellent working order.
Drain cleaning is usually a simple process anyone can do. However, other plumbing issues require the assistance of a trained plumber. Find out more in DIY Plumbing Problems And When To Call In A Professional.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you clear a clogged drain without chemicals?
A: You have to unclog a clogged drain without chemicals by using your hands, a plunger, or any other object that is not metallic.
Is there a natural way to unclog drains?
A: There are many ways to unclog a drain, but the most natural way is by using your hands and arm strength. It is possible that taking advantage of an old-fashioned plunger might work too. Baking soda, vinegar, and hot water can also help.
How do you unclog a drain?
A: You never unclog a drain. Instead, you create an opening in the pipe that allows water to flow freely and allow it to empty itself by gravity.
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